Les Miennes
(Y)our mother (National Competition)
Samira El Mouzghibati
As the youngest among my five sisters, I am aware that I carry a dark legacy from their past. In response to a tragic incident that was kept quiet, my sisters formed a clan with a tight-knit bond from which our mother was excluded. Thus, we began referring to her as “your mother,” as if she was no longer ours. You are about to hear what she has to say for the very first time.
â The 28 june screening will be followed by a Q&A session with director Samira El Mouzghibati
Samira El Mouzghibati
David Vranken
Thomé Dubaux
Senjan Jansen
Yannick Dupont
Victoire Bonin
Lenka Fillnerova
Michigan, Visualantics & Pivonka production
Samira El Mouzghibati

Samira El Mouzghibati is a Belgian-Moroccan film-maker based in Brussels, and a graduate of the Institut National des Arts du Spectacle (INSAS) editing/script. She has accumulated experience as an editor on several fiction and documentary film projects in collaboration with directors from a variety of backgrounds.